I am sorry to report that the [Anna's Archive](https://annas-archive.org/) website has a remarkably wide selection of academic books and scientific papers available to download in PDF and eBook format.
In my tests, most of the philosophy books I wanted to look at were, regrettably, easily found.
When the files were not in my preferred PDF format, they were [disturbingly easy to convert](https://ebook.online-convert.com/convert-to-pdf).
Thankfully a few titles, such as The Oxford Handbook of Consequentialism, were not available at the time of writing. One can read these via the usual method of joining a university, getting a university library card, and then physically visiting the library or logging in via an online portal from your country of residence, at which point you'll be able to access the digital copy via Oxford Scholarship Online (though thankfully not via your preferred reading application).
There is, of course, also the glorious option of buying a physical copy of the book on Amazon for £50-100, waiting a few days for delivery and then discovering, after a cursory skim, that the paper in that essay collection that sounded interesting is not actually, after all, of interest.
I recently learnt about [Perlego](https://www.perlego.com/browse/philosophy), a service which, while legal, seems worryingly easy to sign up for and use. The selection is relatively small, but it carries, for example, more than 100 [Routledge Handbooks](https://www.perlego.com/search?query=handbook&tab=book&page=1&language=English&publicationDate=&topic=Philosophy&publisher=&author=&format=&sortBy=popular).
[Anna's Archive](https://annas-archive.org/) is a meta-search engine, which has indexed [Library Genesis](http://libgen.li/) and the TOR-only [Z-Library](http://zlibrary24tuxziyiyfr7zd46ytefdqbqd2axkmxm4o5374ptpc52fad.onion/), among others.
I fear it is already proving invaluable to society at large, so I hope the authorities will shut this down as soon as possible.
P.S. If Anna doesn't have what you're looking for, I'm afraid [PDF Drive](https://www.pdfdrive.com/) or [Preter Human](https://preterhuman.net/) may do.
See also: [[My setup for reading, highlighting and annotation]].